Being a specialized tubewell drilling contractor, we offer excellent borewell drilling services in Hyderabad. We are the borewell drillers in Hyderabad, are preferred by many clients to cater their varied needs of industrial, commercial, agricultural, construction and municipal applications. These machines are available in bench, pillar and gang type, which cover a wide range of operations such as tubewell drilling, Development of tubewell and ground water exploration. Our company is known as well drilling service provider who undertakes all types of boreworks in all types of soil. We have been serving both rural & city clients in Telangana.
We are expert in drilling 4½” & 6½” borewells with super fast hydraulic rigs with experienced & qualified geologists. The company also has Groundwater Surveyors, who assist the customer in deciding the borewell point; installation of submersible, jet & hand pumps. We have expertise in desilting & cleaning of damaged borewells, earth pits, all types of borewell drilling for domestic & industrial purpose, site chosen by scientific method, compressor hiring and borewell servicing, etc. Widely preferred well drilling contractor by customers operates a vast range of drills from modern table and top drive multipurpose rigs to percussion cable tools, backed with support vehicles and ancillary equipment to cover most phases of borehole drilling.
A borewell must be flushed periodically for the best yield and safety of the borewell, because ground water may change any time. We have great expertise in flushing and cleaning borewell through high pressure air compressor, which takes raw water, dust, or wastes and decayed particles if any. If we find any decayed particles or animal, we use calcium carbonate in that borewell to kill germs and bacteria. Our company is recognized as a leading borewell cleaning solutions provider in Hyderabad. The frontrunner borewell cleaning contractor offers its services at very cost effective prices round the clock to meet complete customer convenience.
Physical Examinations: Color, odor, turbidity, and electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and suspended solids.
Chemical Examinations: PH, alkalinity, hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, chloride, fluoride, sulfate, phosphate, silica, BOD, COD, TKN, oil & grease, aluminum, chromium, arsenic, and free chlorine.
Bacteriological Examination: Standard plate count, total coli form, fecal coli form, fecal streptococci.
There are several clients in and around Hyderabad who prefer only Sri Venkateshwara Borewell Drillers for any kind of installation pumps service, as we offer services believing in complete customer satisfaction. We are engaged in installing submersible pumps, jet pumps and hand pumps. Submersible Pumps: We undertake installation of the following submersible pumps which are known best today – Texma, Atlanta Suguna and Grundfos. Texma is the most popular for 4 ½ “& 6 ½ “borewells. Atlanta Suguna and Grundfos are stainless steel body pumps that give excellent performance. These pumps can be installed for agriculture, fishiculture, industry, domestic, hotel, apartment, theatre, marriage halls, etc.
Jet Pump: A Jet Pump is a type of impeller-diffuser pump which is used to draw water from wells into residences. It can be used for both shallow (25 feet or less) and deep wells (up to about 200 feet.)
Hand Pump: Hand Pumps are used primarily in developing nations as a manually powered means of bringing water to the surface from a borehole, rainwater tank or well.